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With a varied aviation background Flying Skydivers, Towing Gliders, providing Tours, and flying passengers and cargo in the rural Bush of Alaska all after Specialized Fighter Training in the U.S. Air Force, Mark Watkins is finally fulfilling his desire to give back and spread his love of aviation by providing Aerobatic Rides in the beautful Southern Front Range of Colorado. 



Having experienced so many incredible flying opportunities thus far, Mark has now focused his entire attention on providing a means for the general population to experience the rare thrill of sport and military aviation that so few get a chance to encounter. Thrill seekers will flip, roll and dive with Pikes Peak, the Royal Gorge and the Southern Edge of the Continental Divide as their background. 



With military training to include performance aerobatics, tactical formation, basic fighter maneuvering and low-level tactics in both a spin-capable turboshaft and twin afterburning supersonic jet; Mark rounded out his operating ecperience with all manner of weather and mountain terrain flying in Colorado and Alaska. 





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